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Welcome to Ekone!
Our vision is a world in which people are connected to place and care radically for the planet, each other, ourselves, and all life.
Apply for Summer Camp!
Still space in many sessions, but some are filling fast.
See the 2025 session schedule for more info.
Here's a sweet taste of Ekone Summer Camp Magic:
We are very excited to share our Guiding Framework for Emergent Strategies with you!
It's a Strategic Plan with Throughlines which reflect the Way we approach this work, across all the complex and interwoven aspects of this place. Throughout this process, some Overarching Priorities emerged, where we intend to focus our efforts and resources during this next five years. And then we look more closely at each area of the organization, Thread By Thread, including our Goals, Strategies, and Million Dollar Dreams...
Land & Nature
Place-Based Education
Land & Nature
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