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Ekone Blog

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Straight from the Saddle:
The kitchen exists!!!

We've come so far - we're almost there! We are envisioning so many good meals and good times to come, Huge gratitude to all of you who have helped make this happen, and can you help us with the final nudge?

Check out all the photos, inside and out - and save the date for our Grand Opening September 24th at the Barbed Wire Ball!


One More Horse Stewardship Camp,
Because Why Not?!

We hear that Ekone teens are hungering to spend some time with horses this summer (and the horses tell us it's mutual).  So, we've created one more session of this special new offering!


Straight from the Saddle, Kitchen Chronicles: SO MUCH Good News

This garden snapshot has closed every Straight From The Saddle newsletter for the past two years, as we've made our way together through the adventure of a capital campaign for Ekone's future...


Your Name in Stone!

Out at the beautiful entry to White Eagle, near the canyon, on the first parcel of land added to Sacred Earth Foundation land trust in 1986, there is a trail of stones...


The Case for the Kitchen: (Rattlesnakes, Wildfires, & Feeding the Change)

One day in August, Liz was making dinner for the Ekone crew in the beloved Yummy Tummy Cafe, alone in the kitchen and innocently enjoying the alchemy of cooking.  She turned away from the counter and headed to the sink, when she saw...

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The Bunkhouse Editions: A Roof Overhead

We are so happy to announce that the ROOF IS ON the new bunkhouse!


Vol. 2, Chapter 2: A New Approach
Straight from the Saddle

In September, we made a big commitment, sacrifice, and promise, by cutting down dozens of beautiful trees in preparation for an expansion of Ekone's driveway...


The Point of No Return...

Straight from the Saddle

After years of research, planning, strategizing and nail-biting, we have officially made the leap...


Chapter 7: How many cowpokes does it take to Saddle Up?

Straight from the Saddle

In true Ekone Magic style, an amazing team of humans has shown up at just the right times to support the labor that Ekone requires.  Here’s a little about a few key players...


Chapter 4: Provisioning for the Journey

Straight from the Saddle

We are embarking on this adventure with great willingness to work hard, stretch far, and go out on limbs.  Such a journey also requires a whole lot of...


Chapter 1: The Reason for the Journey

Straight from the Saddle

Enough hints and sneak peeks…here’s the dirt on what’s ahead at Ekone!  For two years, we’ve been dropping hints of big plans afoot at Ekone Ranch.  We’re finally ready to...


Groundblessing Zoom
Tuesday, June 29th

We'd love to update you on the final plans and ever-evolving adventure story!  And share in the momentous moment, with blessings for this ground and the structures it will soon hold.

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Horse & Land Stewardship Camp

In this special combination Land & Horse Stewardship Camp, we'll explore and practice being good stewards of the nourishing land of Ekone, and of the bodies, minds, and hearts of our equine friends.


Spring Break at Ekone

We miss you and would love to see you this Spring Break. We've cooked up two program offerings that we hope you'll be interested in, and are open to your ideas, too!


Gratitude for the Land, and a Camp Teaser!

It's been quite a year in the world of humans. As 2020 winds to a welcome close and we look forward to the coming year with hopeful anticipation, we're grounding ourselves in the steady, patient, living land and our reciprocity with it...

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The Bunkhouse Editions: FINALE!

Straight From The Saddle has been on world-events-induced hiatus, and it's also just been a quieter time on the Saddle Up! front.  But now it's time to crow it from the rooftops...


A Gift for You
Plus a Few Last Camp Spaces!

This music video is a gift to you, a prayer for all of our children, and the best 4-minute illustration of Ekone Summer Camp ever.


We Give Thanks

In this season of gratitude, we are grateful for YOU, the human community that sustains and is sustained by this place and work...


Vol. 1 Epilogue
Straight from the Saddle

We’ve poured over the trail maps, charted our route, acquired permits, trained the string, honed our skills with test rides, got everyone in position, began provisioning in earnest, and...


Chapter 6: The Dusty Trail Behind Us

Straight from the Saddle

A brief history of Ekone’s facilities and how we arrived at this crossroads.


Chapter 3: The Trail Map

Straight from the Saddle

Our route through the wilderness of a Capital Campaign, and landmarks pointing the way...

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Call for Volunteers, Auction Items, Cake, and YOU!

Beautiful fall is just ahead, and with it comes Ekone's Barbed Wire Ball!  September 29 will be a ranchy extravaganza of Ekone Magic, food, friends, music, celebration and


Straight from the Saddle, Kitchen Chronicles:

We are on the Very Brink of the leap into construction.  The long-awaited new Yummy Tummy Cafe (and bathhouse!) will soon begin taking shape in front of our very eyes, like a dream coming true...


Wilderness First Aid &  
  Extreme Supreme Adventure Camp

This camp will combine hands-on medical training with one of Ekone's favorite summer camp activities--the SUPREME ADVENTURE.


Summertime WILL Come...

Our dearest wish is to share this nourishing land with many children, teens, and adults who are so in need of restoration, community, purpose, and natural learning after the year we've had...


Straight From The Saddle: Yummy Tummy Sneak Peek!

As soon as the Bunkhouse was complete this summer, we took a deep breath and leaped into the next round of design work for "Yummy Tummy Two"...


Volunteer Needs & other Ekone News

Dearest Ekone friends,

It's a welcome rainy day at the ranch, and I'm finally finding the words.  They are elusive these days, as events are So Big....


The Bunkhouse Editions!
Straight from the Saddle

Have you noticed that Ekone's Saddle Up! capital campaign has been quiet over the winter?  Well, we've been...


Floored and Grateful for YOU all

Nearly 300 people turned out for the Barbed Wire Ball at Ekone Ranch. It was epic.  We danced with horses.  We shared our...


Chapter 8: Route Scouts

Straight from the Saddle

We are humbled, inspired, and a bit…verklempt…by this list of people who have committed cash donations and pledges to the Saddle Up capital campaign.


Chapter 5: Truth-Checking

Straight from the Saddle

After a thorough search for the “get-out-of-capital-campaign-free-card”, we know that this adventure is not optional, if camps and programs are to continue...


Chapter 2: Where We're Going

Straight from the Saddle

We’re headed for a beautiful and hopeful future!  It features an integrated, permanently protected ecosystem in the Upper Rock Creek watershed; a classroom, playground, and...

Coming up!


Camp Season runs June 23- August 16. Come join us!

Ekone Ranch...a place for children of all ages!

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401 Ekone Rd | Goldendale, WA | 98620


© 2023 Sacred Earth Foundation

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