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Summer Programs



Service & Leadership Opportunities 


At Ekone Summer Camp, we are committed to cultivating leadership and important skills among the young people in our community.

Youth Internships

We usually have a few openings for for summer interns, only for youth over 16 and only for teens who have previously participated in our Ekone Leadership program (see below for more info). Please email if this is something you're interested in!


Our Intern program applies to youth aged 16-22 seeking an in-depth volunteer leadership

opportunity at Ekone Summer Camps, usually for 3 weeks at a time. Interns will work closely

with camp staff, and participate in planning the camp program, daily decision-making, and

leading activities as appropriate. Experienced staff will provide mentorship. 

This is an excellent opportunity to spend an extended period at Ekone, gain some real

experience, and build your resume or college application. 

We happily provide references and recommendations for our interns, and Ekone

experience is proven to be valuable later in life. Internships are unpaid--we consider your

service to summer camp a fair exchange of learning for work.


Ekone Leadership Program

This program is a prerequisite for any teen interested in applying for our summer internships.  But all teens interested in leadership are welcome to this program, whether they are interested in becoming a summer intern or not. This program is open to teens from age 14-18.


This program provides an opportunity to learn about all the behind the scenes aspects of working at the ranch, with a cohort of other Ekone-loving youth and supported by our year-round staff. Just like ranch life, this program will be driven by what most needs doing, and what skills campers are most interested in learning about and experiencing. Our focus will be on making, fixing, and tending the many of the aspects of ranch life, while we also tend to our camp community and learn more about how to effectively support each other and gain the support we each need to be compassionate leaders in the areas of our lives. 


Possibilities include: learning how to safely use power tools, fixing and building things, unfencing and making giant a barbed wire ball, learning how to best tend the garden, chickens, and pigs, doing kitchen projects, cleaning All The Things, and learning all the coolest secret spots around the land.



Coming up!


Camp Season runs June 23- August 16. Come join us!

Ekone Ranch...a place for children of all ages!

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401 Ekone Rd | Goldendale, WA | 98620


© 2023 Sacred Earth Foundation

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